Tennis Europe Junior Tour

SVARĪGI! No 2024. gada ikvienam trenerim/pavadošai personai, kas ceļo ar junioru spēlētāju uz Tennis Europe Junior Tour sacensībām, ir jāreģistrējas Tennis Europe sistēmā, izveidojot kontu, aizpildot zemāk norādīto veidlapu!

Reģistrācija ir bez maksas, aizņem 5 minūtes, jāveic tikai vienu reizi.


From 2024, any coach/accompanying person traveling with a Junior player to a Tennis Europe Junior Tour event must be registered in the Tennis Europe system by creating an Account

Please find the form that Coaches/accompanying persons must complete here:

After this new registration, Federations can assign the coach/accompanying person to a tournament during the National Window as now. Please find attached an example.

Coaches/accompanying persons have a very important and educative role in Junior Tennis and the European Federation is proud to support this process. The goal is that all official coaches/accompanying persons are aware of and will abide by the following:


Registration is free of charge, takes only 5 minutes and must only be done once.

The new Registration does not mean automatically that a coach/accompanying person will be entitled to be part of a National Squad. These are nominated by National Associations as always. All coaches/accompanying persons are accountable to their National Association. What’s new is that from 2024 all persons traveling with players have to be registered in the Tennis Europe System. It is strongly recommended that even if you are not part of a National Squad that you still proceed with the registration.