
ITF $0

International tour


On 2 and 3 June we will meet on international tournament ITF in Myslowice.
Traditionally men's, women's teams will take part in the competition. Additionally for the first time here a single tournament will take place.
Every registered pair till 18:00 on Saturday should confirm their participation.
Draw will take place in Slupna - Myslowice on 2 June 19:00 and game plan will be posted on and FB events till 21:00.
In Women's and Men's tournaments there's consolation is planned.

8:00 - 9:00 - Training for interested
8:45 - 9:20 - Entry fee payment and starters pickup
9:30 - Official Tournament opening
9:45 - First games based on game plan
12:00- First consolation tournament games
up till 12:00 - taking orders for dinner
up till 13:00 - registration for mixt tournament
14:00 15:00 - Dinner
14:30 16:00 - semi-finals and finals
18:00 19:00 - end of the tournament


  • Data di inizio:03/06/2018 09:30
  • Entry fee:50.00
  • Posizione:Myslowice, Stadionowa
  • ģ
  • Data ultima per iscrizioni: 10/05/2018 14:00
  • Data ultima per disiscrizioni: 15/05/2018 14:00
  • Categories: MD, WD, MXD
  • Organizzatore: Polish Beach Tennis Federation




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