ITF $2500

International tour

La description

On 2 and 3 June we will meet on international tournament ITF in Myslowice.
Traditionally men's, women's and mixt teams will take part in the competition. Additionally for the first time here a single tournament will take place.
Every registered pair till 18:00 on Friday should confirm their participation.
Draw will take place in Slupna - Myslowice on 1 June 19:00 and game plan will be posted on and FB events till 21:00.
In Women's and Men's tournaments there's consolation is planned.
At Saturday also mixt will start - signup will be taken till 13:00.

8:00 - 9:00 - Training for interested
8:45 - 9:20 - Entry fee payment and starters pickup
9:30 - Official Tournament opening
9:45 - First games based on game plan
12:00- First consolation tournament games
up till 12:00 - taking orders for dinner
up till 13:00 - registration for mixt tournament
14:00 15:00 - Dinner
14:00 - Mixt draw
14:30 - First games of mixt
14:30 16:00 - semi-finals and finals
18:00 19:00 - end of the tournament


  • Date de début:02/06/2018 10:00
  • Entry fee:50.00
  • Localisation:Myslowice, Stadionowa
  • ģ
  • Date limite d"inscription: 10/05/2018 14:00
  • Date limite de retrait: 15/05/2018 14:00
  • Catégories: MD, WD, MXD
  • Organisateur: Polish Beach Tennis Federation



Les partenaires

La gestion des tournois n'a jamais été aussi simple

Gestion des entrées, tirages et génération de l'ordre de jeu, rapports téléchargeables et bien plus encore.