OT Open



Order of the Tournament

The competition will take place according to the ITF (International Tennis Federation) beach tennis rules.

Two players that are both in the top 400 of the ITF beach tennis rankings on the day of the tournament may not play in one pair. Practicing tennis or beach tennis coaches as well as players who have represented their country by playing in their country’s national team regardless of the age group may not play in one pair.

The right to make a final decision on admission to the tournament remains with the Organizing Committee.

Anyone who is at least 13 (thirteen) years old may take part in the tournament.

Participants must apply to enter the tournament with their partners. The number of participants is limited, 32 pairs for men and 32 pairs for women. Each Tournament is played for all places.
The organizer undertakes to provide the participants of the tournament with balls, drinking water and referee services.

Tournament rating

The tournament will have its own ranking table. The ranking points will be calculated from the last place according to a formula – the ratio from the last place. Next, the points are calculated proportionally in ascending order adding ratio +1 (for each participant) up to the first place. (Example: if 20 pairs participate in the Tournament, then each member of the winning pair will receive 20 points, respectively the pair members ranked last will receive 1 point each). Following the previous men’s and women’s tournaments, the points earned by the players are summarized on the leader board. The pairs will be posted in the Mixed Doubles Tournament based on the rankings.

The sum of the two results will determine the winners of the Event. Two best players: 1 from the men’s and 1 from the women’s group.

The ranking is publicly available: f/: Baltic Amateur Beach Tennis Championship

It is the responsibility of each participant of the Tournament to behave according to the principles of tennis ethics and to follow the instructions of the event’s referee and organizer.

Tournament prizes

Each winner of the Tournament, the finalists, the 3rd and 4th place winners as well as the winners of the Satisfaction Tournament will receive medals, prizes and gifts from the Tournament’s sponsors and organizers.

The winners of the Tournament (2 players) will receive the BABTC Cup (a smaller replica since the original cup remains with the organizers). 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners will receive prizes and gifts from the Tournament’s sponsors and organizers.


  • Sākuma datums:25/07/2020 09:00
  • Dalības maksa:25.00
  • Sacensību vieta:JURMALA, 11.linija
  • ģ
  • Pieteikuma termiņš: 23/07/2020 22:00
  • Atteikšanās termiņš: 24/07/2020 14:00
  • Kategorijas: [O] Men's Doubles, [O] Women's Doubles, [O] Mixed Doubles, [O] Doubles, [O] Men's Singles, [O] Women's Singles

Sacensību vieta



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